Are you looking for an axe, a machete, or just a plain old knife? The Condor Kukri Machete right here is all three for the price of one.
You can pick up a Condor Kukri Machete just about anywhere online. They range from $50-$70. When I first recieved this knife I was wowed at how heavy it felt in my hand, it is about the same weight as a hatchet. The blade is 1075 high carbon steel, which means it will rust easily if not oiled reguarly. However, the black coding on the blade helps protect a mighty fine chunk of that steel, so you won't have to worry TOO much. The handle is full tang and is genuine walnut wood. It seems a little slippy at first but then with a little bit of use it gets alright. I would recommend putting some paracord in the lanyard hole on the handle to keep it extra secure. Now, let's get on to the performance stats. The kukri is amazing for clearing brush, skinning animals, and also pretty good at chopping down small trees. One thing that may or may not both you is the grind. It is pretty obtuse for a machete but, and I mean it, gets the job done. Sharpening the kukri is very simple, all you got to do is go buy yourself a whetstone and go to work on the blade. If you don't know how to sharpen look up how to use a whetstone on youtube. The knife also comes with a bonus gift; an extremely high quality sheath. The sheath is made of genuine hand stitched leather and keeps the knife in place by letting some of the top of the knife reach air. This knife overall is a really good purchase and I highly recommend it. I'm gonna give the Condor Kukri Machete a 9/10 for being strong, full tang, and the fact it comes with a nice sheath. I mark off one point for the weird grind.